Rhinoplasty What to Know and Expect

Rhinoplasty: What to Know and Expect

One of the perks of living in the 21st century is the broad array of cosmetic treatments available to both men and women. There’s botox, fillers, facials, laser hair removal, and the list goes on. 

Among the most popular ones is rhinoplasty—or what people usually know as a ‘nose job.’ 

If you’re planning to have this procedure (or simply wish to know more about it), this article will give you a quick look at what to know and expect concerning rhinoplasty.

What is Rhinoplasty? 

What is Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a type of surgical procedure done to change the look of a person’s nose. While many people undergo rhinoplasty to ‘improve’ the shape of their nose, it’s also used to treat a breathing problem. 

If you’re scared of the prospect of undergoing surgery, the good news is there’s now a non-surgical version of rhinoplasty. As Healthline explains, this procedure is also known as “liquid nose job” or “15-minute nose job.”

Preparing for a Rhinoplasty 

Let’s discuss some of the things you should do before undergoing rhinoplasty, specifically the surgical version.

Of course, any medical treatment starts with a doctor’s consultation. Your surgeon will take a look at your medical history—details pertaining to past surgeries, medications you’re currently taking, and such. 

He or she will also perform a physical exam. Prior to meeting your physician, we strongly suggest preparing a list of questions to help you understand more about this procedure.  

Expect photographs of your nose to be taken as well. These shots will serve as a reference for your physician. 

It is recommended that you arrange for someone to stay with you for a night or two. 

This is to help you out as you recover after the procedure since the first few days after anaesthesia may cause you to experience “memory lapses, slowed reaction time, and impaired judgement.” 

During the Procedure 

During the Procedure

A rhinoplasty procedure usually lasts for one to two hours. But depending on the complexity of the surgery, it can take longer than this. 

You will be given either a local or general anaesthesia. One difference between the two is that local anaesthesia is administered to a specific area of the body (e.g. nose). 

In contrast, general anaesthesia will take effect on your whole body and put you to sleep. 

After the Surgery 

Again, depending on the complexity of your case, you may have to stay in the hospital for one or two days. Others may leave that day a couple of hours after surgery. 

Some of the things you may experience after your rhinoplasty are:

  • Congestion in the nose – This is due to swelling or the cotton packed inside your nose.
  • A plastic splint in place – This is to maintain your nose’s shape and decrease swelling. You’ll wear this for 5 to 10 days. 
  • After-effects of anaesthesia such as memory lapses, as mentioned before
  • Headaches, bleeding, and drainage of mucus  

How much does a rhinoplasty procedure cost in Ireland? 

How much does a rhinoplasty procedure cost in Ireland

Based on a review we made on the best rhinoplasty clinics in Ireland, a nonsurgical rhinoplasty procedure can cost €400.

Surgical rhinoplasty, on the other hand, can cost €7,500 to €8,000. Consider other costs as well such as initial consultations and any other succeeding checkups with your physician as needed. 


And that concludes our quick guide on rhinoplasty! Interested to know about other types of cosmetic treatments and where to avail of them?

Check out our other articles below!