Home Cleaning Tips to Ease Allergies
For someone with allergies, cleaning is a battle between you and all the dust, debris, pollen, and dirt that has accumulated. That said, it’s always a wise choice to go into battle prepared, right?
Step up your cleaning routine with our home cleaning tips for people with allergies. Read on to learn more about how you can clean with ease.
Wear a mask when you clean

Wearing a face mask prevents any chance of inhaling microscopic dirt that could trigger your allergies.
To be safe, wear a mask even after you’re done cleaning. This will limit your exposure to any dust that’s still lingering in the air.
Although not necessarily harmful in small amounts, it could still put you in respiratory distress depending on the severity of your condition.
Vacuum at least twice a week

Sweeping does a good job of picking up some of the dirt on your floors. However, a vacuum is way better at picking up dust particles and strands of hair in its path.
But to be the most effective, make sure your vacuum has a HEPA filter. This is because some allergens are small enough to be able to pass through ordinary filters.
HEPA filters are designed to trap air pollutants which helps improve overall indoor air quality. They’re even used in schools, hospitals, clinics, and more.
Replace your bedding every week

It may seem tedious to wash all of your beddings weekly, but it’s a must when you realize how easily bacteria and dust accumulate in just a few days.
Research shows that after 1 week of use, pillowcases accumulated 17x more bacteria than a toilet seat. Meanwhile, after 4 weeks of use, pillowcases developed 38x more bacteria than in a pet bowl.
Wash all your beddings (mattress covers, pillowcases, duvets, blankets) in hot water. Opt for fragrance-free soaps and detergents since fragrances could trigger your allergies.
If you sleep with stuffed animals, be sure to wash those, too. Don’t forget to vacuum your upholstery and wipe down your bed frame as well.
Use washable microfiber cloths

For those with allergies, microfiber cloths are going to be your best friend.
Unlike brooms and feather dusters that stirp up dust into the air, microfiber cloths are designed to pick up even the most minuscule dust particle.
Aside from doing a better job at collecting dust and dirt overall, they won’t sprinkle around allergens that could trigger your allergies.
Make a cleaning schedule

The best way to help ease your allergies at home is to regularly clean. But cleaning can take up the whole day if you have to wipe and wash every surface.
To make the load significantly lighter, try to establish a cleaning schedule that works with your daily routine.
For example, you can do heavier chores on the weekends when you have more free time and less workload. You can also distribute lighter tasks throughout the week so they don’t pile up.
And that ends our list of the best home cleaning tips for people with allergies. We hope we were able to help you improve your cleaning routine.
Say, if you need some backup, we have some recommendations for professional cleaning services that could lend you a hand: