5 Ear Care Tips You Should Know

5 Ear Care Tips You Should Know

Ear pain, hearing loss, and so on aren’t just a source of discomfort but a big hassle whether you’re at work, at school, on a date, business meeting, or even at home. 

To avoid these ear problems, proper care of your hearing organs is a must. For starters, are you cleaning your ears properly? 

Find out and know more in this list of ear care tips!

Clean your ears the right way

Clean your ears the right way

If you think the right way is by using a cotton bud, it’s not. Experts do not recommend this as it can cause ear damage.

According to WebMD, using a cotton swab can push your earwax further inside your ear. Other serious ramifications include infection, eardrum rupture, and hearing loss.

To clean your ears properly, just use a washcloth to clean the outside. Healthline also suggests using an earwax softener, which you can find in pharmacies. 

You can also visit a doctor so he or she can remove your earwax buildup. 

Practice good hygiene after an ear piercing 

Who would want infected ears after an ear piercing? Literally no one. That said, the AAD has a couple of ear care tips for those who recently underwent a piercing.

This includes not touching newly-pierced ears with unwashed hands. On the contrary, wash your ears at least once a day with soap and water.

They also said to put rubbing alcohol around the pierced area two times a day “to keep away germs and prevent scabbing.” 

Make sure to dry your ears 

Make sure to dry your ears

Ever heard of swimmer’s ear? Mayo Clinic explains that it’s an infection in the outer ear canal that is often caused by water “that remains in your ear, creating a moist environment that aids the growth of bacteria.”

Hence, to prevent getting swimmer’s ear (and other ear infections), dry your outer ear with a towel. To help water drain from your ear canal, you can tip your head on one side after you bathe or swim. 

You can even use a blow dryer to dry your outer ear. Just see to it that your blow dryer is on the lowest setting and it’s at a safe distance—at least about a foot from your ear. 

Protect your ears from loud noise 

You wouldn’t want to suffer from hearing loss before you reach your 70s or 80s, right? So, protect your ears by putting on earplugs whenever you conduct activities where loud noise is inevitable, like during construction work, for instance. 

As much as possible, stay away from places where excessive noise is present. 

Start exercising 

Start exercising

We too were a bit surprised when we learned that working out also benefits our ears! How so?

EarQ mentions that cardio exercises such as walking, cycling, or running help the blood to pump throughout the body, ears included. This contributes to ear health and performance. 

Our list of ear care tips ends here for now! Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two on proper ear care. 

Other parts of our body also need attention, however. See if these other articles can help you: